BPC - 157

BPC - 157

BPC 157 is a peptide chain composed of 15 amino acids, it is a partial sequence of body protection compound (BPC) that is discovered in and isolated from human gastric juice found in the stomach.

Numerous research has demonstrated that it accelerates the healing of many different wounds, including tendon-to-bone healing, and superior healing of damaged ligaments. Further research suggest systematic healing of intestinal damage such as fistulas, inflammatory disorders, gastro-intestinal cramps, Crohn’s disease and leaky gut.

BPC-157 is surprisingly free of side effects, and has been shown in research that’s been happening since 1991 to repair tendon, muscle, intestines, teeth, bone and more, both in in-vitro laboratory “test-tube” studies, in in-vivo human and rodent studies, and when used orally or inject subcutaneously (under your skin) or intramuscularly (into your muscle).

 BPC has been shown to:

It is also known as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide” primarily because it is stable in human gastric juice, can cause an anabolic healing effect in both the upper and lower GI tract, has an antiulcer effect, and produces a therapeutic effect on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—all again surprisingly free of side effects.

As demonstrated in the research studies cited above, BPC also accelerates wound healing, and—via interaction with the Nitric Oxide (NO) system—causes protection of endothelial tissue and an “angiogenic” (blood vessel building) wound-healing effect. This occurs even in severely impaired conditions, such as in advanced and poorly controlled irritable bowel disease, in which it stimulates expression of genes responsible for cytokine and growth factor generation and also extracellular matrix (collagen) formation, along with intestinal anastomosis healing, reversal of short bowel syndrome and fistula healing—all of which can extremely frustrating issues in people who have gut pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bowel inflammation.